Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cannellini Beans and Tuna Salad

Have you ever been to Journal Cafe on Flinders Lane? Go there and I recommend you to try the Cannellini  Beans and Tuna salad. I used to love going there because it's next to the City Library, so I would borrow some books and read it while enjoying the coffee and the salad for lunch. Hmmm... too bad, now I have to save some money for New York. But not too bad because I've been able to make my own version of this salad.

As always; on my grocery list;

400gr cannellini beans.
130gr good quality canned tuna in spring water.
2 celery sticks, chopped into bite sizes.
a handful of cherry tomatoes, halved.
just a tiny bit of red onion, chopped finely.

And from the pantry;

1 tablespoon of olive oil
about a tablespoon of fresh thyme leaves (leftover from my Irish Stew)
1 clove of garlic, crushed.

This is how you make it;
1. Rinse and drain cannellini beans.
2. In a big salad bowl, mix crushed garlic with olive oil, and thyme.
3. Add in the vegetables, beans, and drained tuna. Mix well.
4. Serve by itself, or on top of sourdough toast.

I always love tuna, and I love all the ingredient here, especially thyme (they didn't use it as the Journal cafe). It's just very fresh and light. If you like you can add some avocado in, and drizzle a little bit of lemon juice on top.

I can't believe how cheap this recipe is; $1.25 for the canned beans, $2.98 for the tuna, $2.98 for the whole pack of cherry tomatoes (we only use less than a quarter of it), 54 cents for the celery sticks, 56 cents for the red onion. That's $8.31 all together, and that serves 3, so it's $2.77 per serve. Yummy and super affordable...


  1. i've been making a variation of this for years - using lots of parsley instead of thyme, and adding about 30% wholegrain rice instead of having it on bread. it's always been good to me as a work lunch, and super dooper cheap : P

  2. parsley and wholegrain rice sound yummy... I'll give it a try! thank you!

  3. yum, i love tuna salad. Didn't realise how much cheaper it is to make it yourself! I love The Journal too, it's ambience is so relaxed.

