Monday, January 31, 2011

Spanish Chorizo and Olives Toasted Sandwich

Tonight was one of those night where I just can't be bothered to cook anything too complicated (most nights?). I was too tired to do things, and I remembered this yummy Spanish Chorizo toasted sandwich I had once before in one of my favourite cafes in Melbourne. I thought it was a good idea to cook it; simple, cheap, and yummmmmmmy...

I bought from the supermarket;
- Spanish Chorizo, I sliced them in half into 2 thinner cuts. I got it for only $2.40 (cheaper when you got it from the market)
- Just a tiny bit of sliced spanish black olives from the deli section (25 cents).
- One wholemeal bread roll, or sourdough bread (got 1 for 65 cents)

That's all I got from the market, and I've got some at home;
- light cheddar cheese (I should try mozzarella next time, i think it will taste better).
- tomato sauce

And it's so simple:
1. pre-heat oven on 160 degree.
2. cook chorizo on frying pan, it's best to cook them without oil on low heat (this way the chorizo won't loose too much of the beautiful fat). Cook for about 10 minutes or more depending on the thickness.
3. While chorizo is cooking, spread out the sliced olives on one part of the bread, layer it with grated cheese.
4. When chorizo is cooked, put them on the other part of bread, toast the sandwich open (both side exposed to the heat) in the oven for 5 minutes.
5. When it's done, add some squirt of tomato sauce, and close both parts of the sandwich, and that's it.

I like the simplicity of the recipe, and I love chorizo, it's got a lot flavour that you don't really need too much things to add. It's just perfect for a Monday night, you know, first day back to work is already too much, I'd rather have more time to chill out.

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