Monday, January 24, 2011

Instant Spaghetti Napoletana

It's spaghetti napoletana made easy!
So last night my good friend Nik K from food blog Tabehodai came over and cooked for me. He made this yummy squid ink pasta with Roma tomatoes sauce, it's like Napoletana sauce but the tomatoes were cut in quarters, so they were a bit chunky. And he also brought some fresh basil leaves from his backyard!

I love fresh basil, I can't get enough of it! SO tonight I thought of making something similar but simpler, and cheaper but still so yummy. It is my instant spaghetti napoletana. It's so easy and cheap. But trust me it's still very yummy.

You only need:
- 1 canned chopped tomato with basil and garlic (I bought Ardmona, it's around $3 a can)
- some spaghetti
- olive oil
- dried oregano
- garlic paste

and if you want you can also add;
- fresh basil leaves.
- a quarter of chopped brown onion.
- a dash of red wine (I use some leftover red wine).

Now, time to cook it.
1. Start cooking the pasta according to the direction in the packaging.
2. Meanwhile, heat just a tablespoon of olive oil, and add the canned chopped tomato.
3. Wait until it bubbles a bit, turn the heat down, add a teaspoon of garlic paste (it saves me the time cutting or crushing the garlic, and less things to wash!)
4. Add in dried oregano and a little bit of salt and pepper.
5. I always add a teaspoon of sugar to any dish I cook with tomato base, my Italian friend told me it gets rid off the acidity. And I think it taste better.
6. If you want you can add the chopped onion now, or you can actually brown it a bit at the start before you add in the chopped tomato. I didn't put any onion, you know, I'm kind of lazy, and beside I need to keep it in budget haha. The thing is, it doesn't taste that much different (I think).
7. And lastly a dash of red wine (about a quarter cup).
8. Let it bubble on low heat, and once your pasta is cooked, drain it, and toss it in to the sauce. Mix it well.

That's it, it's done. I used fresh basil leaves to garnish, and lots of parmesan cheese because I love it (I love good quality cheese, but you can also buy reasonably good cheese from Victoria Market for about $3!).

Yummy, I love it love it.