Friday, February 4, 2011

Sick Again, Soup Again.

I'm sick again! F*ck. So soup again. This time is a little bit too lazy, and less homey than what I would prefer. But still turned out alright for a sick food. It's just chicken soup with carrots and potatoes and leeks.
I went to Victoria Market for grocery shopping, and bought;
- 2 carrots
- 3 potatoes
- 3 chicken thigh fillets
- 1 leek

And I've got some at home:
- 1 teaspoon garlic paste (or crushed garlic, I'm sick I can't be bothered)
- salt, pepper, sugar to taste.
- 1 tablespoon tomato paste.

And (cough) this is how I cooked it (cough);
1. Cut all ingredients into chunky pieces, brown the chicken fillets, and add 1.5 liter of water, and wait until it boils.
2. Add all ingredients, and cook for as long as you like. I cooked it for 1 hour on low heat, covered.

That's all... I need to rest. I'm posting my favourite guilty pleasure Spaghettini Carbonara that I cooked yesterday, when I get better. So hopefully I'll get better soon.


  1. YUM! This is my favourite type of soup. The carrots end up so sweet!

  2. This would go perfectly tonight! Rain outside, sitting on the couch and having a bowl of soup :)
