Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Favourite Guilty Pleasure, Spaghettini Carbonara

I actually cooked this 2 days ago, but I wasn't feeling well, so I didn't post it. But anyway this dish is by faaaaar my favourite guilty pleasure food ever (part of it because I really shouldn't have bacon and pork, for a religious reason! But don't tell anyone).

I love the creamy-ness of the sauce from the grated parmesan and eggs, and I'm sure if you like bacon and eggs you would love this dish because it's basically like bacon, cheese and eggs on spaghettini. If you prefer another type of pasta, I would recommend small pasta just because it is easier to mix it.

Ok you would need;
- 2 slices of middle bacon, cut into small pieces
- 1 free range egg, beat it.
- around 1/4 cup (or more if you like them extra cheesy) of finely grated parmesan cheese. I would recommend good quality cheese, trust me, it's worth buying. I'm on budget so I bought some from Victoria Market deli, it's good and cheap, it's about $3 to $4.
- 3 serves of spaghettini.
- chopped parsley to garnish (optional)
You can easily get all the ingredients for under $8.

All you have to do;
1. Cook pasta in boiling water with some salt.
2. At the same time, cook the bacon pieces with a little bit of olive oil. The goal is to have the pasta ready  around the same time the bacon is cooked. I like the bacon pieces slightly crunchy. I like the contrasting texture of the pasta and the crunchy bacon.
3. When the pasta is al dente, drain it and then pour the bacon bits with all the grease to the pasta. Make sure you do it straight away, you need to do all this step when the pasta and the bacon are still hot.
4. Add in the beaten eggs and stir well for a few second, and sprinkle the parmesan cheese, and stir thoroughly.
5. Add chopped parsley to garnish.

You would see how you actually don't need any cream for this dish. The combination of the egg and cheese and the heat of the pasta makes the creamy sauce. It's so simple and of course, cheap. I normally have this dish on saturday night when I don't feel like going out. I'd just stay in, cook this (preferably home alone and not having to share with anyone),  have it with a glass of red, while watching tv. And don't even worry about the carbs :) Yes, that would be the best guilty pleasure food, trust me.

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