Saturday, April 2, 2011

Javanese Banana and Bread Pudding

This one here is my Mom's favourite, and to be honest with you I hated it when I was little. The thing is when you live so far away from home you start missing those things that reminds you of home. I started craving for it a few weeks ago when I was talking on the phone with my Mom for our regular weekly catch up. So I thought I really just have to make it even when banana is so expensive.

Unlike traditional bread and butter pudding, this Javanese pudding actually uses coconut milk, so at the end it makes a different consistency. And if you find it looking a little bit like curdled coconut milk, don't worry, that's how it's supposed to be. I also use this 'soft butter bread' from Asian bakery, Bread Top, it's only $3.20, and it has a slight sweetness to it that works so well with the banana and coconut milk.

On my shopping list;

2 ripe bananas, cut into dice size.
1 pack 'soft butter bread'

From the pantry;

2 eggs, beaten.
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
2 cups coconut milk
1/2 cup sugar

And, let's start cooking;
1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
2. Boil coconut milk on medium heat, and add in sugar, keep stirring.
3. Add in banana and cinnamon, cook for about 5 minutes. Set aside to cool.
4. Tear bread and layer in a baking dish.
5. Add the eggs into coconut milk mixture. Pour the whole liquid into baking dish, let the bread soak up all the liquid for a few minutes.
6. Bake for 30 minutes or until set.

Yummm my apartment smells like home now :) It's sweet and very... Javanese, like very rich and sweet. Hope you like it.

It cost me $6.40 for the bananas (super expensive) and $3.20 for the bread. That make 4 serves, or $2.40 a serve, that's good enough to make me feel home.


  1. okay...sooooo..what i'm thinking, is... i need and invite over sometime! your blog makes my mouth water ! keep up the great cooking!


  2. hahaha thank you Juliet. Yes, we should organise something sometime soon yeah. You should also try cooking this, it's very easy!

  3. bread pudding sounds amazing. thanks for your message and for checking out the blog. yours looks great.
